
About me

Francis Randy Moxx Milan demanded that I made this page, so here I am. Making this page.

My name is Daniel and I live in Nottingham, England. I'm 17 years old. I spend far too much time on the internet and any time spent not on the internet I'm either at Sixth Form or asleep. According to my History teacher, my lifespan will be reduced by a few decades, as I sleep far too much.

TV, movies and games are very important to me and my life, quite depressingly so, so I'd like to list some of my favourite shows/films/games.

- Doctor Who - one of my favourite things of all time. This is a show that I could literally talk about all day, with such a deep 50 years of lore and stories that finding something to discuss really isn't difficult. It's just a show that I love watching and I love being a fan of.

- Breaking Bad - Everyone needs to watch this. And I mean everyone. I feel privileged for having lived in the time when Breaking Bad was made. This is a show that will go down in history as one of the all time greats, and I could watch and rewatch forever.

- Game of Thrones - Never before has a show gripped me as much as this did. The backstory and history is so rich you could make a show out of just that (please dont), and the story is just so gripping and the characters so real that you can't help care for them. Every death hits you, every episode has something about it that makes it memorable. Yes, there's lots of blood and gore and rumpy-pumpy, but it serves a purpose. This is brilliant television.

- The Marvel Movies - I can't just name one. The series of films made by Marvel Film Studios, all connected by a single continuity, is simply marvelous, and has cemented Marvel as easily the better studio. DC has nothing on this.

- Monty Python and the The Holy Grail/Life of Brian - Both of these movies are absolutely hilarious, two of the funniest films I've ever seen. I never get bored of watching them.

- Star Wars: The Original Trilogy - The original three Star Wars films are still three of my favourite movies ever made. Absolutely spectacular in the stories, effects and...well, everything. The Empire Strikes Back is quite possibly one of my favourite movies ever made.

I know that all of these are technically multiple films, but it was the easiest way of cramming as much as possible into a small space. I've limited myself to only 3 of everything, whereas in reality there are so many films I've probably forgotten my favourite. So yes, take this list with a pinch of salt.

- Assassins Creed - Another franchise rather than a singular thing. These games never fail to get me completely invested in a time period or a setting. The free running gameplay is easily the best free running system ever made, and the combat system is just naturally intuitive. I'm currently playing Black Flag, and I'm loving every minute of it.

- Halo 3 - This is without a doubt my favourite game ever made. I don't play it much anymore, obviously, but some of my best gaming memories come from this. Playing custom games with a bunch of friends, just enjoying ourselves on forge, is some of the most fun I've had in a game.

- Mass Effect 2 - I was reluctant to put this on here. Mass Effect 3 was the biggest letdown I've ever had from a piece of entertainment (yes, even worse than series 7 of Doctor Who), but this game still remains one of my favourites. Mass Effect 1 is arguably better from a story perspective, but the roster of characters in the second game, complete with their in depth back-stories and personalities, make this cast of characters one of my favourites in anything ever.

I don't really have anything else to say about me personally. If you're still reading this I'm afraid you might be a bit disappointed that I'm not as interesting as you expected. If you want to follow someone who has an inert love of talking about TV and movies and things then good for you! I also rant quite a lot about things that annoy me at a particular time, so expect some of that. Point is, this blog has no particular purpose and wont be about anything but my own personal needs or desires at the time. A bit like life, really.

Actually, that makes sense. That's what this blog is about.

This blog is about life, and a man that doesn't have one.


  1. Ooh, the time has come. I'm proud to call myself a reader of this blog, for it meets my demands and desires so eloquently.

    I agree with you on the Marvel movies section, because Batman is incredibly boring (heh, this'll weed out whether or not Gus'll read this section!) and I skipped the games bit, because games are boring.

    The surprisingly deep twist at the end stuck me as remarkably compelling. This blog will be good; perhaps even great. Good on you, Daniel from Nottingham. You'll go far yet.

    1. What do you mean Batman's boring? M8, you're boring.

    2. Oh, speak of the devil! If only he knew.

    3. M8, you showed me that Reddit thread.
