
Saturday 28 June 2014

An update on the URL situation

So, I bring news. News of great confusion and much despair, yet also of joy and goodwill.

I know who nicked my URL.

What you're about to see is something truly shocking. It took me a few seconds to fully realize exactly what I was seeing. But it's best you see it yourself before I give my opinions of the matter, as it really does need to be seen to be believed (I said 'see' more times in that paragraph than I have in my entire life).

So, here it is.


There are a few things I love about this. Firstly, the colours are lovely. Really nice and welcoming, if you catch my drift. Also, the font of the title of the blog is quite good. The title itself is also worth a mention. It's a phrase that I think we all should live by; the world would be a better place if everyone thought like this.

However, this does mean that I'm never going to get as a URL. Ever. How could I pursuade a loyal and loving fan to hand over their URL? It'd just be unnecessarily mean. Also, I think it's worth mentioning that this guy has had this blog since 2004. I couldn't even speak in 2004. Well, I could, but not very well. Point is, I hadn't come up with the name 'Pockydon' until 2006, at the earliest. And since this guy hasn't made any blog posts at all, I doubt he's particularly active.

So I shall suffer in silence at the loss of my username, and endure the pain that comes with being such a massive internet celebrity. It's tough to be this famous, but I shall continue, and I shall not complain. At least I have fans...

~Pockydon, rightful heir to


  1. Ah! The Pocky saga continues, and rather spectacularly, I might add.

    It baffles me how your fan could be so zealous as to preempt your choice of username by a wholesome number of years. Alas, as an uber-crazy-internet-famuss bloke, it comes with the trade, or so you've told me.

    When I grow up, I want to be nearly as famous as you.

    Furthermore, though an "About Me" section remains to be seen, I eagerly anticipate its grand arrival. The background is nice too. I cannot wait to hear of any further developments. Do keep us posted.

    1. Don't worry, loyal fan, I'm sure one day you can be like me. But not much like me, because I'm too good. You'll be similar to me.

      And the fabled 'About Me' page is currently being written. There's surprisingly little to say.
