
Tuesday 29 July 2014


Ideas are funny things. They strike at the worst of times, while you're in the shower or lying in bed, when writing them down is either impossible or frustratingly inconvenient. They vanish without warning, often never to be seen again. Even if you do manage to write them down, when you come to revisit them the next day (or next month, as I usually find), they often turn out to be a lot less awesome as when you first imagined them. Either that, or your rushed method of note taking was so terrible that you cant even remember what the idea was. A 'spark' word really doesn't help after a year.

So why am I writing this? Well, mainly because it's literally the only thing I can think to write about. This whole 'blog' business doesn't really suit me. It's not quite my scene. But I need to keep going because I've already started and if I don't Gus or Francis will just about rip my head off. Also, I enjoy it. I do! When I have something good to write about, like the bloody annoying nature of ideas, it's a lot of fun. I just sort of write what I think, no planning or logic behind it. I just write. If you look back at the top of this paragraph you'll see that it's basically a completely different topic to what I'm writing about now, which is sort of how I do things. I only make a new paragraph when I have some sort of introductory sentence or silly question in my mind.

Like this, for example.

I actually cant remember what I was writing about. It's 03:16 in the morning right now, I really should be going to bed.

Oh yes, the blog! Ideas! Stuff like that!

No, the reason I don't think I'm really cut out to have a blog is because I never have any good ideas. And when I do have good ideas, I either forget them or leave them for a couple of days and find out they're not as good as I originally thought. I always just end up writing on a whim. Which is why none of my posts have any substance or real meat to them. If people are actually reading this (and I really do hope someone is!) then you'll be hard pressed to come up with anything constructive to say. Because I never talk about a topic that needs anything constructively said about it. It's always URL's or Leeks or some shit like that.

This feels like a goodbye post, and it's not! I am absolutely not saying goodbye. This blog will continue, just as it's been continuing for the past couple of months. I just have no ideas about what to write about. I get bored too easily. I tried writing a novel once and that was an absolute disaster. I got about two pages in and decided I couldn't be arsed, deleted the file, and never came back. I want to be a writer. Heck, I want to be a lot of things. But ideas aren't the only problem. Neither is motivation, or even writing talent. It's my attention span. That's the real enemy.

This blog post was titled 'Ideas', and I've said basically nothing about them. Hm. Oh well. Hows about you dear readers leave some of your failed ideas down in the comments below! Come on, don't be shy!


  1. "Even if you do manage to write them down, when you come to revisit them the next day (or next month, as I usually find), they often turn out to be a lot less awesome as when you first imagined them."
    I'm glad it's not just me.

    "Heck, I want to be a lot of things."
    Dog-walker? Submarine Builder? Food Critic? I found that the quoted sentence was very ambiguous.

    A great blog post. Not as good as The Happiness Patrol, but it's still pretty great.

  2. Daniel's blog posts are funny things. They strike at the best of times, while you're in the shower or listening to Gus enthuse about his new screenplay - and over time, they become even more awesome. Your blog, dare I jinx it, is getting better and better. Well, I'm certainly enjoying it!

    Don't ever delude yourself into thinking that what you're saying is waffle, or insubstantial, or just not worthwhile. You have more than TWO dedicated readers - yes, at least three people (probably more) who are eager to hear what you have to say.

    On the subject of ideas, you'd be surprised at how great those ideas you so quickly lose faith in actually are. You're your own worst critic - as are we all. People's lives, opinions and imaginations fascinate others, and you are no exception. You're still reading mine and Gus's blogs - yes, even the rubbish posts - because it's interesting to know what people that aren't you have to say about the world. It brings us readers back to PockyBlog every time - and you haven't failed us yet. Keep at it!

    Oh, and a bonus tip I've noticed: if you keep it brief - quick, snappy and short - people will read just about anything. Hey - it works for Buzzfeed!
