
Sunday 13 July 2014

The Leeked Trailer

So, I was just about to write about the new Doctor Who series 8 trailer that just came out. But unfortunately, the joy and happiness that brought to me was replaced by the absolute horror of Deep Breath being uploaded to youtube, in its entirety. Sure, it's watermarked in black and white with no VFX, but it's still there!

Now, this episode has been on the internet for about a day now, but somehow it being easily available on youtube makes it worse. How, you ask? Well, surprisingly, it's the settings button.

You see, I, along with many other regular users of Youtube, instantly go for the settings button whenever I watch a video so that I can change the resolution from shitty 480p to the much more lovely 1080p. It's become instinctive. So instinctive that I always do it, even for a video I don't plan on watching. So when a friend of mine linked me the video, with me totally oblivious to what it was, I went for the settings. This meant that by the time I had realized what was going on, I'd already seen about 5 seconds of Deep Breath. I also mis-clicked. So instead of hitting the desired button, I missed and accidentally hit the time bar which shot me forward towards the end of the episode. Disaster!

So I'd seen 5 seconds of the opening, and another 5 seconds of a much later point. This pissed me off. Sure, it's only 10 seconds in total, but it's still a portion of the episode I really didn't want to see. Now, this is no fault of the person who linked me the video, he had no way of knowing I'd react like this. But quite frankly, I'm pissed off. Like, really. I'm properly angry. Not with my friend, not even with the person who uploaded the video (although I am a bit cross with him). No, I'm angry with the bloody BBC. The bastards who let this leak happen in the first place. How, in the name of Rassilon, does this get to happen!? In what fucked up, backwards universe does this sort of thing become a normality? Because it feels like a normality. It feels like the BBC aren't even bloody trying to stop these leaks from happening. I feel sorry for Steven Moffat, for Peter Capaldi, for Jenna Coleman, and for all the people who have worked tirelessly to make this series. I feel sorry for anyone who's been spoiled. I feel sorry for myself, who had even less time to wait than most people, but still feels like the entire 'Deep Breath' experience has been ruined.

I've got nothing against spoiler-hounds. If they like spoilers, let them see them. But I do have a thing against the people who let these spoilers leak. BBC Fucking Miami, or whatever they're called, are rubbish. If Marcelo Camargo isn't already fired then he needs to be, alongside the bastard who's in charge of not firing him. Basically, I'm a bit angry, and revenge is the purist of motives. I'm cross at the BBC for letting this happen. And I'm worried that it will affect my viewing of the episodes.

But oh well. It cant be as bad as series 7, right?

1 comment:

  1. I just want to let everyone know that the "friend" Daniel refers to throughout the article is known as "Eternalite" or "Joshua Brownbridge. You can find him on twitter. Go moan at him.
